
Regeneration of turbochargers

As already mentioned, the turbocharger has been designed in such a way as to be able to flawlessly work with the engine throughout its lifetime. Rarely some failure happens, also does not require any special repairs. However, from time to time the turbocharger may crash. Its damage can be caused by foreign material or dirty oil; failure may also cause interruptions in the oil supply or a shortage of the oil pressure and overheating. The good news is that the turbocharger can be repaired, after which it will be able to function efficiently again. This kind of repair we call the regeneration of turbocharger..

Repair process includes the following steps:

1. Dismantling of the turbocharger.
2. Washing and cleaning of all the elements (gritter / ultrasonic washer).
3. Control and evaluation of the measuring points specified by the manufacturer.
4. Replacement of a set of elements of the repair kit.
5. Precise balancing and weighing in rotating assembly.
6.Final assembly.
7.Check and possible regulation of the boost pressure.

The regeneration process of turbochargers

After delivering a turbocharger to one of the workshops cooperating with us it is thoroughly fold into parts. Individual elements are subsequently subjected to the processes of washing and sandblasting . In a word , the turbocharger is being restored to its original appearance. It is also evaluated in a workshop for individual elements of the turbocharger , so to be able to tell our customers what caused the crash. Then they are carried out a detailed visual inspection of surfaces and controls of all measuring points specified by the manufacturer . The aim of this process is to assess whether the rotating components meet the necessary criteria and can be reused. If not, then they are replaced with new ones . All parts to reconditioned turbochargers come from original manufacturers.

The next step is balancing shaft with the wheel compression, the so-called first balancer. After the balance, the turbocharger body is assembled, new bearings, oil flingers, back-up rings and seals are being established. After placing the body is mounted on the so-called the second machine by-weighting. Here, if professionals cooperating with us deem it necessary for the proper treatment for further proper functioning of regenerated turbine, the preliminary by-weighting is made - rotating assembly of the so-called subcritical speed (approx. 40 thous. revolutions per minute). This step is often overlooked by the majority of installations and – due to expert cooperating with us - it is sometimes necessary as it allows control of underweight and execution of a possible correction in two planes (the turbine wheel and compressor wheel). During this check weighing regenerated turbine is connected to the oil system and the process takes so long that it can be 100% check for leaks. This is not possible by balancing on the so called supercritical balancer because of the very short time of process (approx. 4 seconds). The next phase of repair is the weighing in the turbocharger at said high speed at up to 250 thousand. rev. / min, where it is subjected to the same loads and conditions as during operation in the car. Thereafter a final assembly and adjustment of the setting of the control valve are made (if provided for construction of the turbocharger). The final chord of regeneration of turbochargers is its final check and possible regulation of the boost pressure. At the end of this laborious process of regeneration we attach protocol of the final balance and warranty card to each turbocharger

We gladly invite you to visit our website turbines . TURBO 's workshop is located in Olesnica near Wroclaw