Regeneration of turbochargers
As already mentioned, the turbocharger has been designed in such a way as to be able to flawlessly work with the engine throughout its lifetime. Rarely some failure happens, also does not require any special repairs. However, from time to time the turbocharger may crash. Its damage can be caused by foreign material or dirty oil; failure may also cause interruptions in the oil supply or a shortage of the oil pressure and overheating. The good news is that the turbocharger can be repaired, after which it will be able to function efficiently again. This kind of repair we call the regeneration of turbocharger..
Repair process includes the following steps:
1. Dismantling of the turbocharger.
2. Washing and cleaning of all the elements (gritter / ultrasonic washer).
3. Control and evaluation of the measuring points specified by the manufacturer.
4. Replacement of a set of elements of the repair kit.
5. Precise balancing and weighing in rotating assembly.
6.Final assembly.
7.Check and possible regulation of the boost pressure.